3 août 2019 by halidab Non classé 0

No Comment @ Oradea

No Comment @ Oradea Vă invităm cu drag, sâmbătă 27 iulie 2019 orele 18, la deschiderea Expoziției de artă video ,,No Comment’’. Despre agresiunile asupra artistelor din Orientul Mijlociu. Vernisează Teodora Talhoș (Viena) curator și critic de artă. Expoziția va deschisă între 27.07- 16.08.2019. în Galerii de Artă-Reperaj. Cetate.Expun: Halida Boughriet – Franta, Fatoș Irwen – Turcia, Simin, Keramati – Iran, locuiește momentan in Canada, Tahmineh Monzavi – Iran. he exhibition will be open between 27.07 – 16.08 and can be visited from Tuesday to Friday, from 10am -18pm in Galeriile de Artă Reperaj – Romania What does it mean being an artist in a conflict zone? Moreover, what kind of hardships are encountered by women who work as artists in a totalitarian system that doesn’t allow freedom of speech? The exhibition titled “No comment” presents to the Romanian audience the video artworks of four female artists coming from – or with roots in – the Middle East. Their artworks express on the one hand a great sorrow, on the other hand a burning wish to carry on and to ignore the rules imposed on the artists by a restrictive, unpermissive system. Artists: Halida Boughriet, Fatoș Irwen, Simin Keramati, Tahmineh […]

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8 octobre 2018 by halidab Non classé 0

NOT WHAT YOU THINK! – Azad Art Gallery, Tehran / Iran

OPENING October 12, 4-8 pm Azad Art Gallery, Tehran / Iran http://azadart.gallery/En/upcoming.aspx Artists: Halida Boughriet, Sharzad Changvalaee,  Fatoş Irwen, Simin Keramati, Tahmineh Monzavi, Balqis al´Rashid, Dilan Cudi Saruhan, Nil Yalter, Arzu Yayıntaş Every person should have the exclusive right to dispose of their body as they wish. The body should be an untouchable personal zone. But power structures of a governmental or religious nature as well as certain social notions do restrict this right. In particular, women of the so called Near and Middle East are struggling for this right. However the undifferentiated, fragmentary idea of the subordinated, voiceless woman in the hijab, who has to be freed by external forces – an idea very prominent in the West – represents a false role as well. Per se it denies the individual self-determination of the many different women in the aforementioned region – just like some of the governmental or religious institutions in charge. Art is a field where – more or less safely – anyone can exercise this right on the own body. In Vienna the use of the body as artistic medium is prominent due to the Viennese Actionism, the works of Austrian artist VALIE EXPORT and the feminist avantgarde of the 70s, most of whom explored the medium of video. The central starting point […]

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